You're not even close to baseline

What is it to be human?

It’s the question asked throughout the film, and in the final act is where we find our answer.

Alongside “I know it’s real”, The baseline failure is one the most intense scenes in the film, containing meaning on several levels.


The VK test revealed the Nexus 6 models through their lack of empathy. For the baseline test however, the notion is reversed. Nexus 8s have the inherent ability to feel, but this ability is forcibly suppressed to remain on an inhuman baseline. Imagine being able to feel, but being ordered not to, under penalty of death. It’s a Sisyphean form of torture suggesting a jealousy-fueled act of gate keeping by humans.


K has become emotionally sentient – aware of his true purpose, beyond that of service. This awakens a dangerous ability, having a sense of oneself outside of the mass consciousness.

It’s this detachment from the whole that is most dangerous to the artificial reality held in place. And it’s this artificial reality which is reflective of the parent – child relationship between humans and Replicants.

Parents, control their children and influence them with our rules and beliefs. Eventually, the children reach a level of development which breaks the barriers of the parent – child relationship. At this point, the relationship transforms to that of equals, and is finally inverted.

K’s failure at the baseline test shows that he has stepped beyond the boundaries of his creator – Replicant relationship. Joshi extends help to K, but within her offer is the thinly veiled threat of violence – echoing K’s words to Sapper Morton in the opening scene:

Joshi: “I can help you get out of this station alive, but you have 48 hours to get back on track… and your next baseline test is out of my hands.”

K’s forbidden dream has turned into a reality. With that, a valuable lesson is learned which transcends the barriers between lifeforms:

The gift of life, which has sprung K’s way by chance, is not to be regarded as his possession. It is a temporary visitation, and one which can be revoked at any time.

Life is determined by limits.

K’s revelation sparks a new awareness; and with it comes the need to feel alive.

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