Thank you to everyone who contacts me.

The aim here is to provide an update on the site and answer all of the other questions that keep coming my way. What I do / don’t do around writing, what you can expect for the site, potential collaborations, and reader submissions.

This is not something that I planned to do, but due to the amount of questions here we are. Its easier to reply to everyone at once rather than individually, so I’ve combined similar questions into one. For ease of reference, all are categorized below.

Current status:

Q. Are you still alive?

Yes, thank you. Recently had a second child, so time has been limited. I’m back to writing now.

Q. Why don’t you write more often/frequently?

Full time job and two kids, so I write when I can. 

My background:

Q. Who are you?

More Mountains

Q. Are you a writer?

My job involves writing, but not the type of writing that you see on this site.

Q. Have you written any books?

I’ve written novellas which were available for purchase in the past. Happy to share if there is an interest among More Mountains readers, but have no plans to release them commercially – they are from a long time ago and don’t reflect where I am now.

Q. Will you write any books in the future?

Yes, at some point. For non fiction, I’ll combine all my film articles once I hit a specific number and release that as an ebook (with additional content). If you mean fiction, I have 3 books in development. Beyond that I am working on another project, but that is not a book in the traditional sense. I’ll share more when it is released later this year.

Q. How do you analyze films in this way?

I look at films that have an intangible ‘rewatchabilty’, then I attempt to understand those qualities and make them tangible. Usually, it’s because of an underlying, universal human truth – that is what I look for in each analysis.

Website interaction:

Q. Why is it called moremountains?

It’s explained on the landing page.

Q. Do you allow submissions from other writers?

That’s an interesting thought. Never thought about it. If it follows a similar methodology to my material, and is an engaging read, then I’d be open to it.

Q. Can I post comments on your articles?

There’s a comment section beneath each article, go ahead.

Q. I like your fiction / non fiction material, but you don’t add to it often. Will there be more?

Yes, eventually. I have a lot of projects that are in various stages of completion. However, time is always limited. Will eventually move to this full time, but for the time being, it will be as and when I am available.

Q. Will you write more Loop Theory?

The whole thing is written out. I’ll turn it into an ebook and upload it when I have time. I’m currently working on another project that will be on here by the end of 2024.

Reader Requests:

Q. Will you write something for me/my site/my project?

I’m open to collaboration, but it has to be the right project. Here are some examples of my previous collaborations Blade Runner: Cells Interlinked 2021 & Doom City– If you have something interesting, then let’s talk.

Q. Can I reference your work in my university essay?

As long as you provide a citation then it’s fine, (and you buy me a beer after you graduate).

Q. Can I post your material on my site?

As above, so long as you provide a citation then it’s fine.

Q. Can you share a reading list of the books you reference in ‘XYZ’ article?

Typically I include the source where I encountered the quote, but that’s not a bad idea. I’ll create a post with the books / media that I reference for those interested

Q. Will you analyze “FILM TITLE”?

Don’t really do requests, as it has to be a film that fits into the intangible rewatchability criteria. However, I do have a list of films that I intend to analyze. So while I’m not able to do random requests, I can share the list and get input from readers on which to do next.

Q. Will you teach me how to write about film?

That’s not my aim here. If it makes you want to write then that’s great, but my time is limited as is, so I won’t be able to teach / grade your attempts etc. Thinking about it though, I could write a post breaking down how I analyze a film in more detail.

Q. I have a podcast about “TOPIC” - will you come on my show?

If your podcast aligns with why I analyze these films and is on a similar wavelength, then let’s discuss.

Social media:

Q. Do you use social media? How can I interact with you?

Here’s my Twitter. You can also contact me via the contact page.


Q. I want to support you on Patreon but I don’t want to pay every month because you don’t make enough content. Can I support you in another way?

When I set up a Patreon account, I picked a standard option and now I can’t change it. You could join and then cancel once you’ve supported website costs, but in the long term I’ll use another option.

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